All patinas, by their very nature, will vary from plaque to plaque and order to order, and will change over time. Patina finishes may "bleed" onto the installation surface when installed outside.
Alabama, Montgomery (AL) Alaska, Juneau (AK) Arizona, Phoenix (AZ) Arkansas, Little Rock (AR) California Sacramento (CA) Colorado, Denver (CO) Connecticut, Hartford (CT) Delaware, Dover (DE) Florida, Tallahassee (FL) Georgia, Atlanta (GA) Hawaii, Honolulu (HI) Idaho, Boise (ID) Illinois, Springfield (IL) Indiana, Indianapolis (IN) Iowa, Des Moines (IA) Kansas, Topeka (KS) Kentucky, Frankfort (KY) Louisiana, Baton Rouge (LA) Maine, Augusta (ME) Maryland, Annapolis (MD) Massachusetts, Boston (MA) Michigan, Lansing (MI) Minnesota, St. Paul (MN) Mississippi, Jackson (MS) Missouri, Jefferson City (MO)
Montana, Helena (MT) Nebraska, Lincoln (NE) Nevada, Carson City (NV) New Hampshire, Concord (NH) New Jersey, Trenton (NJ) New Mexico, Santa Fe (NM) New York, Albany (NY) North Carolina, Raleigh (NC) North Dakota, Bismark (ND) Ohio, Columbus (OH) Oklahoma, Oklahoma City (OK) Oregon, Salem (OR) Pennsylvania, Harrisburg (PA) Rhode Island, Providence (RI) South Carolina, Columbia (SC) South Dakota, Pierre (SD) Tennessee, Nashville (TN) Texas, Austin (TX) Utah, Salt Lake City (UT) Vermont, Montpelier (VT) Virginia, Richmond (VA) Washington, Olympia (WA) West Virginia, Charleston (WV) Wisconsin, Madison(WI) Wyoming, Cheyenne (WY)
We can provide outdoor metal plaques to any state in the US